## [Fast, Memory Efficient Dictionary in ClickHouse](https://azat.sh/presentations/2023-memory-efficient-dictionary/) ####
_Azat Khuzhin (ClickHouse-Team)_
--- ### Outline - Building fast, memory efficient hash table - History - Measure performance (memory and CPU) - Calculate the memory usage right! - Trade-offs - Production example --- ### Problem pagerank - tens of trillions of links - hundred of billions of URLs with rank _For simplicity, in examples, I will assume that we have ranks only for 1 billion of URLs_ The obvious solution is to use `HASHED` dictionary. --- ### Dictionaries Dictionaries are builtin key-value storages in ClickHouse Use cases: - enrich your data (and more) - sharding - ... --- ### `HASHED` - Uses internal hash table implementation (`HashMap`) - Which is very performant (used everywhere) ```sql [|9] CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_hashed ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(HASHED()); ``` --- ### `HASHED`: Loading ```sql [|2] SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY ranks_hashed; 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 266.147 sec. ``` ```sql [|9-11] SELECT formatReadableQuantity(element_count) AS keys, formatReadableSize(bytes_allocated) AS memory, loading_duration, round((element_count / loading_duration) / 1000000., 2) AS speed_mps FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name = 'ranks_hashed' ┌─keys─────────┬─memory────┬─loading_duration─┬─speed_mps─┐ │ 1.00 billion │ 32.00 GiB │ 231.337 │ 4.32 │ └──────────────┴───────────┴──────────────────┴───────────┘ ``` *32GiB is it a lot or not? Let's figure this out* --- ### `HASHED`: Lookup ```sql [|4|11] SELECT count() FROM local_ranks WHERE dictGet(ranks_hashed, 'Value', Key) != Value SETTINGS max_threads = 1 ┌─count()─┐ │ 0 │ └─────────┘ 1 row in set. Elapsed: 88.135 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 10.00 GB (11.35 million rows/s., 113.46 MB/s.) ``` --- ### `HASHED`: Summary - **Memory usage**: **32GiB** - **Lookup** (1 thread): **11.35 million rows/s** (113.46MB/s) - **Load speed**: **4.32 million rows/s** --- So let's: - revise this numbers - estimate how much RAM it should use --- Structure: - 1 billion of keys - 8 byte key - 2 byte value Optimal: - 9.31GiB for array - **11.64GiB** with load factor 0.75 Real: - **32GiB (2.7x more!)** For production data: - **~4.2TiB to 15TiB** - **Double for reload!** --- ### What's next? - The problem is that HASHED dictionary is not optimal in terms of memory - So if you need such, you need different layout, - But there is no layouts that better then HASHED for our case... --- ### Alternatives - Use separate key-value system - Write your own key-value - Improve ClickHouse --- ### Under the hood of `HashMap` *Remember, this is ClickHouse builtin implementation*
- Open addressing
- Linear probing
- Maximum load factor is **0.5** ```sql SELECT round(load_factor, 4) FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name = 'ranks_hashed' ┌─round(load_factor, 4)─┐ │ 0.4657 │ └───────────────────────┘ ``` So this leads us to **20.37GiB** of RAM (**2.19x**)
- Quadratic size growing - **24GiB** (**2.58x**) _(Requried for fast lookups)_
_And one more thing..._
- C++ structure alignment - **32GiB** (**3.44x**)
*So, seems that we need to choose other hashtable implementation, that luckily will perform better, right?*
--- ### Hash tables comparison **You should always do benchmarks!** | container | insert | find | maxrss | | ----------------------------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------ | | [`google::sparse_hash_map`](https://github.com/sparsehash) | 717.639 | 227.964 | **17575MiB** | | [`tsl::sparse_map`](https://github.com/Tessil/sparse-map) | 306.876 | 113.303 | 20071MiB | | [`sparsepp`](https://github.com/greg7mdp/sparsepp) | 390.99 | 142.251 | 19807MiB | | [`folly::F14VectorMap`](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/container/F14.md) | 134.315 | 49.4222 | 32921MiB | | [`folly::F14FastMap`](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/container/F14.md) | 140.811 | 61.6684 | 49304MiB | | [`robin_hood::unordered_map`](https://github.com/martinus/robin-hood-hashing) | 114.843 | 55.5778 | 52227MiB | | [`phmap::flat_hash_map`](https://github.com/greg7mdp/parallel-hashmap) | 96.6087 | 86.0701 | 52227MiB | | [`folly::F14NodeMap`](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/container/F14.md) | 195.283 | 49.7657 | 49288MiB | | [`google::dense_hash_map`](https://github.com/sparsehash) | 89.6095 | 58.1243 | 49155MiB |
*Results for 8 byte key and 8 byte value*
- *`maxrss` had been measured with glibc* --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` ```[|16] $ git show --stat 6fa234c Date: Sun Sep 22 15:55:36 2019 +0300 Merge pull request #6894 from azat-archive/hashed-dict-memory-usage-v2 [RFC] Add sparsehash support for hashed dictionary (to reduce memory usage) dbms/src/Dictionaries/CMakeLists.txt | 2 ++ dbms/src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.cpp | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- dbms/src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.h | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- dbms/src/Functions/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +- dbms/tests/config/ints_dictionary.xml | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dbms/tests/queries/0_stateless/00950_dict_get.reference | 3 +++ dbms/tests/queries/0_stateless/00950_dict_get.sql | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/en/query_language/dicts/external_dicts_dict_layout.md | 13 +++++++++++++ 8 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) ```
*For the first version*
- *It does not show submodules* - *I doubt that writing external implementation will have less code* --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` ```sql [9] CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED()); ```
_Available since: [19.15](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/6894)_
--- ### `SPARSE_HASHED`: Loading ```sql [|2] SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed; 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 924.806 sec. ``` ```sql [|10-12] SELECT formatReadableQuantity(element_count) AS keys, formatReadableSize(bytes_allocated) AS memory, round(load_factor, 4) AS load_factor, loading_duration, round((element_count / loading_duration) / 1000000., 2) AS speed_mps FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name = 'ranks_sparse_hashed' ┌─keys─────────┬─memory────┬─load_factor─┬─loading_duration─┬─speed_mps─┐ │ 1.00 billion │ 9.31 GiB │ 0.4657 │ 924.806 │ 1.08 │ └──────────────┴───────────┴─────────────┴──────────────────┴───────────┘ ``` But: - **insertion** is **3.5x slower**! - **9.31GiB** looks like a array... --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED`: Memory ```c /// size() - returns table size, without empty and deleted /// and since this is sparsehash, empty cells should not be significant, /// and since items cannot be removed from the dictionary, deleted is also not important. /// /// FIXME: for google::sparse_hash_set value_type is Key, for sparse_hash_map /// value_type is std::pair
, and now we correctly takes into /// account padding in structures, if any. template
auto getBufferSizeInBytes(const C & c) requires (IsGoogleSparseHashTable
) { return c.size() * sizeof(typename C::value_type); } ``` So how can we measure the memory usage? --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED`: Memory ```sh $ clickhouse-local ``` ```sql CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST '' TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED()) SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed; ``` ```sh $ pgrep -f clickhouse.*loc | xargs ps -o rss --no-header 22.4g ``` **2x more!** --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED`: Lookup ```sql [|11] SELECT count() FROM local_ranks WHERE dictGet(ranks_sparse_hashed, 'Value', Key) != Value SETTINGS max_threads = 1 ┌─count()─┐ │ 0 │ └─────────┘ 1 row in set. Elapsed: 272.786 sec. Processed 1.00 billion rows, 10.00 GB (3.67 million rows/s., 36.66 MB/s.) ``` **3x slower!** --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` vs `HASHED` type|memory|lookup million rows/s *|load million rows/s|memory overhead -|-|-|-|- `HASHED`|32GiB|11.35|4.32|3.44 `SPARSE_HASHED`|22.4GiB|3.67|1.08|2.36 --- ### Under the hood of `sparsehash` [![](sparsetable@2x.png)](https://tristanpenman.com/blog/posts/2017/10/11/sparsehash-internals/)
*Original: https://tristanpenman.com/blog/posts/2017/10/11/sparsehash-internals/*
--- ### Under the hood of `sparsehash` - **unused** elements requires only **1 bit** - **2.7 bits overhead per key** (even non existing): - group size: 48 - bitmap (6 bytes) - pointer to the data (8 bytes) - number of free elements (2 bytes) - `(64+48+16)/48=2.6666666666667` Approximate memory usage: ```sh $ sparsehash-bytes.py \ --size 1000000000 \ --structure-size 10 \ --load-factor 0.456 9.99 GiB ```
--- ### `SPARSE_HASHED`: Memory
First problem is the alignment/padding: ```sh $ sparsehash-bytes.py \ --size 1000000000 \ --structure-size 16 \ --load-factor 0.456 15.58 GiB ```
And another problem is memory allocator overhead! - I've tried different allocators and they had different fragmentation, but the most fragmentation has jemalloc, due to slabs and lots of tiny allocations - AFAIR glibc has 18GiB of RAM - And I don't say anything about data locality...
--- ### Under the hood of `jemalloc` [![jemalloc](jemalloc-arena.jpg)](https://www.facebook.com/notes/10158791475077200/) *Original: https://www.facebook.com/notes/10158791475077200/* [**Redis memory defragmentation for jemalloc**](https://github.com/redis/redis/pull/3720) --- ### What's next? All memory optimized hash tables will not work when size of your structure is just 10 bytes So let's get back to `HashMap`. --- ### `HashMap` Let's take a look at how it works with memory? In terms of memory: - Just one block of memory (_for simple types_) - `mmap`/`munmap` - `mremap` So, let's start with the simplest problem - structure padding: - 16 byte key-value: 32GiB - 10 byte key-value: 20GiB **This will save 40% of RAM!**
_Sometimes padding indeed can slow down things, but this is unlikely our case_
--- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` **v2** ```[|8] $ git diff b44497fd^..7b5d156cc5e4 --stat -- :^**examples** :^**tests** src/Common/HashTable/HashMap.h | 18 ++++++++++-------- src/Common/HashTable/PackedHashMap.h | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.cpp | 74 +++++++++----------------------------------------------------------------- src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.h | 44 +++----------------------------------------- src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionaryCollectionTraits.h | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionaryCollectionType.h | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) ``` *In clang-16 this optimization cannot be used for some types, due to [ABI change](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/277123376ce08c98b07c154bf83e4092a5d4d3c6)* notes: - The funny thing here is that while I was writing this patch, in parallel I converted ClickHouse builds to clang-16, and this breaks this dictionary for some types, because in clang-16 they changed the ABI --- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` **v2**
_It is called v2 only on slides_
```sql [9] CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed_v2 ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED()); ```
_Available since: [23.5](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/49380)_
--- ### `SPARSE_HASHED` **v2**: Summary type|memory|lookup million rows/s *|load million rows/s|memory overhead -|-|-|-|- `HASHED`|32GiB|11.35|4.32|3.44 `SPARSE_HASHED`|22.4GiB|3.67|1.08|2.36 `SPARSE_HASHED` v2|20GiB|10.09|4.08|2.14 - **~40% less memory** - better then `SPARSE_HASHED v1` in terms of memory and speed (3x) - But there may be some problems with this due to quadratic size growing --- ### What's next? Remember that that `HashMap` has 0.5 max load factor: - 0.5 max load factor: 20GiB - 1 max load factor: 10GiB So let's see how it will work for lookups and loads!
*In some cases hash tables can degrade the performance with high load factors (>0.7) significantly due to [primary clustering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_clustering)*
*Though, there is a [paper that shows the opposite](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.01250.pdf), however it requires "graveyard hashing"*
--- ### `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR` ```[|13] $ git show --stat 2996b3860612b6990867c197d630fc50528ec5b8 -- :^tests :^docs Date: Mon May 1 20:34:47 2023 +0200 Add ability to configure maximum load factor for the HASHED/SPARSE_HASHED layout ... src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.cpp | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.h | 1 + src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionaryCollectionType.h | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 3 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) ``` --- ### `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR`
_There is still quadratic grower (to make it possible to use shifts instead of mod/div), hence we need to use as big load factor as possible_
```sql [9] CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed_v2_98 ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED(MAX_LOAD_FACTOR 0.98)) ```
_Available since: [23.5](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/49380)_
--- ### `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR`: Summary type|memory|lookup million rows/s *|load million rows/s|memory overhead -|-|-|-|- `HASHED`|32GiB|11.35|4.32|3.44 `SPARSE_HASHED`|22.4GiB|3.67|1.08|2.36 `SPARSE_HASHED` v2|20GiB|10.09|4.08|2.14 `SPARSE_HASHED` v2 + `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR 0.98`|10GiB (*0.9313*)|6.27|2.22|1.07 --- ### What's next? The loading is still very slow... --- ### Loading... Let's do parallel load, but how?: - One way to use locks, but: - it is not cache friendly - not to mention cache contention - Use separate hash table per thread --- ### `SHARDS` ```[|11] $ git show --stat 8225d28 -- :^tests :^docs commit 8225d2814c8dd6e8711c4f8cff31452a1c112e1c Date: Wed Jan 18 13:37:10 2023 +0300 Merge pull request #40003 from azat/dict-shards Add ability to load hashed dictionaries using multiple threads src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.cpp | 610 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------------------------- src/Dictionaries/HashedDictionary.h | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 2 files changed, 538 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-) ``` --- ### `SHARDS` ```sql [11] CREATE DICTIONARY ranks_sparse_hashed_v2_98_shards16 ( `Key` UInt64, `Value` UInt16 ) PRIMARY KEY Key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE 'local_ranks')) LIFETIME(0) LAYOUT(SPARSE_HASHED( MAX_LOAD_FACTOR 0.98 SHARDS 16 )) ```
_Available since: [23.1](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/40003)_
--- ### `SHARDS`: Summary type|memory|lookup million rows/s *|load million rows/s|memory overhead -|-|-|-|- `HASHED`|32GiB|11.35|4.32|3.44 `SPARSE_HASHED`|22.4GiB|3.67|1.08|2.36 `SPARSE_HASHED` v2|20GiB|10.09|4.08|2.14 `SPARSE_HASHED` v2 + `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR 0.98`|10GiB (*0.9313*)|6.27|2.22|1.07 **`SPARSE_HASHED` v2 + `MAX_LOAD_FACTOR` + `SHARDS 16`**|**10GiB (*0.9313*)**|**6.59**|**36.27**|**1.07** **Load speed is 16x faster!** --- ### Overall summary - **3x less memory** - **8x faster load** - **2x slower lookups** And just **~2K** lines of code: ```[|9] $ git show 6fa234c 2a9ff30 8225d28 --shortstat | \ grep 'files changed' | \ tee /dev/stderr | \ awk '{c+=$1; i+=$4; d+=$(NF-1)} END {print "###"; printf("%s files changed, %s insertions(+), %s deletions(-)\n", c, i, d)}' 8 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) 20 files changed, 862 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-) 8 files changed, 762 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-) ### 36 files changed, 1868 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-) ``` *Note, `SPARSE_HASHED` based on `sparsehash` is still there when it is benefitial (i.e. for Array)* --- ### Real example - 12 trillion of elements - 8 byte key - 2 byte value Before: - **512GiB** After: - **163GiB** --- ### Conclusion - You should always ask yourself is it works good enough? - You should always benchmark code! - You should always optimize code! --- Thank you.